When I first began a Sacral chakra cleanse (also called the Spleen chakra) a few years ago with my essential oil line, I had no idea the depth of emotional work I had in store for me. I had been on hiatus from production for a couple of years and it was exciting to be exploring the healing energy in my blends and how they relate to living holistically. I was able to truly reflect on what I had created and accomplished at that moment in my life.
Being someone who is ruled by emotions, I am intrigued about this area of the body and have come to understand the Sacral region of the body a little more in depth as being the center of feelings, pleasure and emotional needs. This being a foundational level chakra, its energy greatly effects the performance of the above chakras. Our emotional energy can be stored if it is not recognized and freed and so this area of the body is highly susceptible to imbalance.
I’ve come to understand and experience that the Sacral chakra is strengthened with our awareness of our intimacy, trust and emotional boundaries in our relationships and how establishing boundaries is vital for our growth. Because we are ruled by pleasure, it is easy to get off balance in our body and our emotional life. Some of the symptoms of imbalance physically can be kidney and bladder problems, ovarian cysts and adrenal fatigue. Emotional symptoms of imbalance can be fear, distrust and lack of intimacy. Forming addictions to extreme pleasure, fantasy and chemical substances are also signs of Sacral chakra imbalance.
To fully express our emotions it is imperative that we feel safe in our home and work environments. Our creativity expands as we feel freedom and have trust in our relationships. Establishing boundaries in relationships with people can give us freed space to be the creative force that we are here on earth to be. I’ve learned that setting boundaries for myself, both emotionally and physically is crucial for my personal and professional growth. One of the most essential changes for me this past couple of years, is focusing directly on my God self. The Self that feels an incredible amount of creative freedom. The Self that is forgiven, limitless and lacks nothing. This ongoing focus builds our trust in our identity in our true Self. It is our natural divine state. It is where we learn about our strongest values and how we express our unique desires. It is how we are living the depth and joy of our life, and is a place we always want to return to if we stray from it.
I’ve come to understand that people who are experiencing an energy block in the Sacral chakra can have an imbalance of what they consider true joy and pleasure to be. They can be confused about what’s really right for them. In this stage we can develop and form addictions to things that seemingly fill a void but we learn that they are never enough. You may find that you are giving too much of yourself away, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. As a result, you may experience your internal drive and self confidence become low. An energy block can also exhaust your courage to make decisions and follow through.
Awareness and focusing on building relationships that have healthy boundaries leads to greater intimacy with all relationships to people and things, including the relationship you have with yourself. When you set boundaries with everything in your life, it builds your confidence to create the life that is truly meant for you and to work on your goals and dreams. It provides a healthy foundation for your courage to grow and strengthen the ability to take action in your life. As you breath in deeply, ask yourself how you feel about your emotional needs and the boundaries you have in your life.
As I place a drop of Free Spirit Pure Essential Oil Blend (There are two different options from our SOUL ESCENTIALS™ organic essential oil line or choose a blend of your own that is comparable) in the palms of my hands, to then cup my nose and breathe deeply, I inhale the fresh, euphoric notes of this revitalizing blend. Lying down, I then, with a circular motion, rub my Sacral area and I reflect on my freedom, internal and external space and my ability to safely express my emotions. My joy and pleasure comes from being part of Creation and the unlimited creativity that flows through me. I surround myself with loving, supportive people who I have healthy boundaries with. I release any fear and distrust as I let go of unhealthy attachments I have to people and things. It is safe for me to express myself creatively and I am free to live a joyful, balanced life.