S O U L.
Years ago, when I came up with my business name I had been toying with a few different names in the previous couple of years. The idea of having a business at some point was just a tiny seed. None of the names I had come up with really stuck. And, yet I’d make business cards and played with different designs, still nothing really grabbed me. Being a busy working mom, I didn’t have a ton of time to focus on a business. It was barely a twinkle at that point. It wasn’t until after my daughter was born in the summer of 2004 that I started taking myself seriously that I could start a business of my own. It was through the experience of watching her undergo and recover from open-heart surgery at 2 months old, that really lit a fire under me to begin. There is nothing quite so inspiring as witnessing an infant go through such a difficult life event. I’ll never forget getting to hold and nurse her for the first time in her recovery. She had tubes and needles coming from all sides of her and was just this tiny little thing. I remember sitting in the chair next to her bed and laying her in my arms to nurse. It is one of the most tender, vulnerable moments of my life.
On the last day of her hospital stay, her doctors were waiting for her oxygen level to be normal and for her to breathe strong on her own. They seem to time these things perfectly right down to the hour, no doubt from experience. I remember a couple days before when she opened her eyes for the first time after the surgery, she didn’t have much expression in them. It was almost as if she was emotionless just trying to heal after such a traumatic event to her body. I missed seeing her smile and her bright blue eyes and I wondered where my little baby girl had gone. I remember talking to her cardiologist and mentioning my concern. He said that each child’s recovery is different and it’s hard to gauge the return of their normal self. I was scared I’d never see her smile again.
It is still so vivid, on the 4th day of her hospital stay we were going to get to take her home if she remained on target with all the goals they were looking for her to meet. It was early morning and she was still sleeping from the night before. I stood next to her bed just watching her every little move. I wanted to be there when she opened her eyes that morning. As I starred gazing at the wonder of her beautiful, sweet face, she opened her eyes and gave me the biggest, brightest smile. I can’t explain the emotion that washed over me. It was as if I had seen the face of God. There she was in all her precious glory; my daughter’s spirit was back. There is nothing like witnessing this type of transformation in a baby. You go through so many peeks and valleys of deep fear and trust. I had to give all my worries to my Creator because they were simply too big for me to carry on my own.
After bringing her home and settling into the swing of things with raising 3 children and family life, I decided it was time to start growing that tiny seed, my business. My daughter’s recovery was just the inspiration that I needed. Watching her overcome such a traumatic event was life changing. I had no excuses. I realized that if she could go through something so significant and come out with flying colors, I could too. I didn’t waste time. I got to work in the fall right after her surgery and the name Soul Escentials was coined.
Soul in Hebrew means breath. It is our life force, the center of our truest Source. It never leaves us despite the circumstances of our life. It is the unlimited, untamed, untouched place of a human. I have come to realize time and again on my journey that our Soul is unchangeable. The Soul must be at the heart of everything we do. Remembering and reminding myself and others of this sacred place is vital to healing. We are not just a body; we will not take our body with us when we die. We are not our feelings; we do not take our feelings with us when we die. We are not our circumstances; we will not take our circumstances with us when we die. We are a Soul; we will take our Soul with us because it will never die.