DIY: Inside and Out

What is it about Spring that makes us want to open the windows and let the sunshine in? Is it just the warmer weather? Is it the new growth in nature we see on the trees and flowers that sprout up from the ground? Spring is often a time of rebirth for us. A fresh start, a new beginning as we turn the first season of the year. What about the windows to our soul? Those dusty little corners that we tend to neglect until they are caked with grit and grime. Maybe Spring Cleaning is more about an opportunity for our hearts to awaken and be cleansed as we stretch ourselves, ready for the personal growth and possibilities that the new year could bring. Taking responsibility of our health is a goal we often think about in the new year. How are we going to take steps to feeling better physically and emotionally? What areas in our life have we been neglecting?

One of the many benefits of incorporating essential oils into your daily life for well-being is their ability to empower us to take charge of our overall health. They have this subtle yet profound way of strengthening our relationship with our body as we feel stronger when we use them. Maybe it’s the uplifting, clean atmosphere they create. Maybe it’s the emotions they bring forth as we breathe in the familiar scents that make us feel alive. Or it could be their preventative nature in helping us maintain our youth and vitality.

As we come into this new season of life, I’m looking forward to continuing to challenge myself to do the opposite of what I would normally do. To push myself out of my comfort zone. We all get stuck in patterns. Patterns of thoughts and daily habits. There’s a common cliché, “If you do what you’ve always done, you get what you’ve always gotten.” I do believe growth stems from coming out of our comfort zone.

Part of wellness for me has always been to challenge myself to do something different. I love finding new approaches on how to live better. I look at areas in my life that need the most attention. Maybe it’s my digestion, maybe it’s my skin or hair that I’m looking to improve. I think the most important thing to getting results is to go beyond your normal routine. We tend to get set in our ways but it’s time like this that we need to think outside the box. The empowering thing is that it’s your choice on how big or small you want to make a change. It could be as simple as omitting a food in your diet that’s been nudging you to stop using, like sugar. Sometimes taking something out is better than putting something in. I found that when I became gluten and dairy free that the whole structure of my body changed. Inflammation that I had been storing in my system diminished greatly. This is a classic dietary scenario of taking something out. Eliminating those foods opened a whole new opportunity to not only feel better physically but to incorporate other things into my diet that are now benefiting me much greater.

One of the most important areas of our life for many of us, is our home. We all live differently and have our unique comforts. Some of us are clean freaks and don’t like clutter, while others don’t mind a little dirt and tend to pile things and adorn our homes with knickknacks galore. Have you ever thought about how your environment is serving your health and well-being? One of the things I did this past couple of years is get rid of clutter. I can’t say it was a lot of clutter, mostly decorations and trinkets that I’ve collected over the years. As much as I love having these mementos around, I decided to move into a different direction with my living space. Getting rid of clutter in your home serves more purposes than just removing stuff. It frees you up mentally. We tend to stay focused on our stuff because focusing on our stuff doesn’t challenge us. I think one of the most incredible things about simplifying your living space is the freedom and energy it gives you to focus on other things. But that’s the challenge. By getting rid of stuff it opens this other door. This door can lead to many other things, sometimes scary things. Facing our true self is never easy. It takes courage to chase after what we really want. Yet, it could lead to those opportunities that we’ve been keeping on the back burner, saving for a “better” time, the adventures that we’ve been waiting to take. When we aren’t bogged down by stuff we can better focus on our personal goals. Maybe it’s a dream we’ve had stored up for a long time that wants to surface and have a go. After all, isn’t that why we are here on earth? To chase our dreams? To stretch ourselves? I know that when I get to the end, I want to be able to say that I lived my life to its fullest.

Another area of clutter is the hurts and conflict in our relationships that we can hold onto that keeps us from living our best life. One of my constant focuses is forgiveness. Being human, we are in a continued state of relational challenges. The conflicts that we experience can have a lasting effect on our emotions and personal growth. If you’re the type of person to hold onto pain, you know how stifling it can be. Our inability to forgive builds up walls around us. We all experience pain and suffering, but how we process it is completely different. In our volatile societies we are challenged more than ever to stay true to ourselves. Unfortunately, when we don’t forgive we project our fears onto others and they are seen in the walls we build up around ourselves. They become this protective armor to keep us safe. But all these walls do is keep joy out. If we can work through some of these barriers that we create, just taking one step at a time. These walls can turn into ladders of opportunity to serve each other. Ultimately, that is why we are here. To love one other while creating our dreams together.

So that’s my take on Spring Cleaning. Let’s get started. Inside and Out.


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I have been blessed with Rachel’s friendship for years now. I’ll never forget our first meeting at the McMinnville market. Rachel has the most amazing gift, she is able to transmute her love for life into her work and business. I have been using the “Free Spirit” oil along with my lapis and red jasper diffuser bracelets. This has been such a life saver for balancing my hormone levels. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of Rachel’s products, they are all truly magical. Thank you, Rachel ❤️

– Lisa C. in Oregon City, Oregon

I was visiting Portland for a conference and stumbled upon these amazing essential oils and bracelets at the City Market. I fell in love with the ‘fauna’ oil and bought two bracelets and a necklace to use the oil on. High quality products all around and made with love and passion. I will definitely continue to buy and highly recommend!

– price.599 in Columbus, OH

I absolutely love this product! I put the oils on certain points and feel a difference immediately. I will be buying more again soon. Thank you!

– Alexa D. in Winsor, California

I can not say enough positive things about this product, after a recent injury I was so glad to have them handy. They have helped put my children to sleep for over a decade, and eased many pains under our roof.

– Anneka M. in Aurora, Oregon

I would like to say that Inner Strength massage oil has been a heaven sent for me. I have arthritis, it runs in my family and my brother was the very first one to discover it. I just think that this oil is the best. I’ve tried so many different kinds of oils for pain and this is the best there is. I have also passed it on by giving it as Christmas gifts for people I know that could use it and they love it. I sincerely appreciate all the hard work that goes into making the oil and I will never stop using it.


– Leticia E. in Vancouver, Washington

Soul Escentials products ascend to a realm of relaxation and healing that I had never experienced before. I could feel the difference right away. The therapeutic properties of these essential oil blends have helped me feel so much better. My parents have painful arthritis and I bought them some Soul Escentials salts for the bath. I knew they had tried it when they asked me where I got them. It helped relieve their pain. They are hard to buy gifts for and now I know what to get them.


– Betsy K. in Jamestown, Pennsylvania

The first product that Rachel ever recommended, “Replenish,” just so happens to be the one we use most frequently and has had a profound effect on the wellbeing of our youngest child. Nathan has Down syndrome and one of the traits that comes along with his condition is narrow sinus and nasal passages. One top of that he also had Tracheomalacia and Bronchomalacia (collapsing of the trachea and bronchi) when he was a baby. As you can imagine it was crucial that we did everything we could possibly do to keep it easy for him to breathe, especially when he became congested. Using Replenish (we use the massage oil on his chest, and back and also use the essential oil in the humidifier) helped keep his mucus thinner and helps open up his airways breathe easier and sleep more soundly. Thankfully he has grown out of his malacia but we still use Replenish on a regular basis to help him and the rest of our family breathe easier when we come down with colds.

– Alanna L. in Lafayette, Oregon

I have been using Soul Escentials oils for about 3 years now. My biggest use of them has been for serious back and muscle issues, and with heat treatment and ice. These oils often stopped my pain so that did not need to take my pain medication. I have used them for my stuffed up nose with allergies, stomach issues, near panic attacks and often just to have my own luxurious spa treatment! I would not ever want to be without these oils!


– Susie S. in McMinnville, Oregon

My husband and I, both seniors, have been using Inner Strength massage oil for the many years Soul Escentials was available. From his achy back to both of us using it on our knees. It is amazing how it takes on the pain and soothes. I am confident in the natural ingredients used making this product. Rachel is always there to answer any questions on her products or for your overall wellbeing. I certainly would recommend Inner Strength to anyone who is looking for something to help feel better again.


– Bonnie F. in West Bend, Wisconsin

When I inhale Surrender, I breathe deeper, slower, intentionally. It is both healing and uplifting, a perfect combination of essences. And for that moment, when I surrender to the tranquility this magical aroma captures, I feel contented and pleased.


– Karen W. in McMinnville, Oregon

So much has changed in my life since starting to use Soul Escentials products. Let’s start by saying I am a true lover of fine quality body products, always looking for the best. Well, I have found it now and I can’t live without it! Soul Escentials is not only making the best quality products out there but they are taking pure essential oils for health and healing to the next level. My favorites are Amorous, Free Spirit, Inner Strength, and Vibrance! I feel like these blends have truly changed by life! My love is stronger, my spirit freer, my strength more adept and my vibrancy shining bright! Thank you Soul Escentials for helping me attain the most important things one can possess. So pure, so true, so you.


– Angela P. in Anaheim, California

Soul Escentials Replenish blend is incredible. We keep it on hand – great if the kids feel stuffy or under the weather. Helps to gently keep airways and chests clear during the day or night.


– Beth C. in Sherwood, Oregon

I have enjoyed using Soul Escentials oils and bath salts for a few years now.  My favorites are the essential oil blends.  The Inner Strength blend has been helpful to me in easing minor joint pain.  I enjoy the Surrender blend at night, and for a soothing bath.  The Lemon Ginger has been useful for easing occasional constipation, or digestive upset. The bath salts are lovely for a soothing and relaxing bath, and they leave my skin feeling soft.  I have given the oils as gifts as well.  I recommend essential oils for many uses. Satisfied oil customer!


– Debbie O. in Dundee, Oregon