The Long Haul.

The Long Haul.


verb: haul; 3rd person present: hauls; past tense: hauled; past participle: hauled; gerund or present participle: hauling

1. (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force.
“he hauled his bike out of the shed”
synonyms: drag, pull, tug, heave, lug, hump, draw, tow; informal yank
“she hauled the basket along”
•propel or pull oneself with difficulty.
“he hauled himself along the cliff face”
force (someone) to appear for reprimand or trial.
“they will be hauled into court next week”

2. (of a vehicle) pull (an attached trailer or load) behind it.
“the train was hauling a cargo of liquid chemicals”
•transport in a truck or cart.
“Bennie hauls trash in North Philadelphia”
synonyms: transport, convey, carry, ship, ferry, move
“a contract to haul coal”

3. (especially of a sailing ship) make an abrupt change of course.

noun: haul; plural noun: hauls

1. a quantity of something that was stolen or is possessed illegally.
“they escaped with a haul of antiques”
synonyms: booty, loot, plunder; More
spoils, stolen goods, ill-gotten gains;
informal swag, boodle
“the thieves abandoned their haul”
•the number of points, medals, or titles won by a person or team in a sporting event or over a period.
•all the products purchased by someone during a particular episode of shopping.
“my husband looked over my haul and announced that I was a shopaholic”
•a number of fish caught.

2. a distance to be traversed.
“the thirty-mile haul to Tallahassee”


When looking up the word haul and already having a familiarity with it in the English language, I was curious to read the different meanings. At the very bottom, the last definition as a noun struck me the most, “a distance to be traversed.” I then had to search the word traversed, even though I know what it means, there’s always more than one meaning to words and experiences. I summed up the meaning of the word haul in my title of this blog post to mean, “to carry back and forth for a distance.”

Have you ever had to carry something for a long distance, whether it was a heavy backpack, a large box, or a piece of furniture? How about a person? Have you ever carried a person across a room, a field or hot concrete sidewalk? Now, for the twist. Have you ever had to carry the burdens of a person around for a long distance?

That’s The Long Haul I’m talking about.

Carrying the load of a person’s burdens back and forth for a long distance. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had to carry the responsibility of another person’s struggles around for any length of time? Go ahead, raise your hand, because the acknowledgement of it will help you validate your experience. This load of responsibility be it physical or emotional is called “shouldering the burden.” It’s done daily with family members, co-workers and neighbors. This shouldering of burdens usually doesn’t take its toll on you but sometimes it can be difficult because of the great amount energy you are giving, yet you carry it willingly because you are a giving person and you feel responsible to help your fellow human. What I want to talk about is the shouldering of burdens that takes its toll on you. The burdens you aren’t supposed to be carrying for others, because they aren’t appreciated or supported. What kind of impact does carrying someone’s burdens like this have on you? How long does it last? What is the outcome?

One of my favorite quotes that I’m always reminding myself of because I’m a naturally empathetic person is, “We rise by lifting others.” I believe this is a true statement for me and I try to live up to it daily. I serve my family and community, and I work in ways to help positively impact my fellow humans. I’m courteous, let people cross at crosswalks and encourage anyone I can with a smile, a kind word or gesture. But, as an empath what I have also done is unknowingly carry the burden of another person’s problems. Empathetic people tend to attract non-empathetic people, as if they seek us out of their need to feed off our never-ending supply of understanding and support, because ultimately, they lack it. Unfortunately, these types of relationships can become unbalanced and the empathetic individual finds their efforts exhausted and their empathetic gestures not reciprocated. Have you ever found yourself in this type of relationship? Where everything becomes about the other person? Where your slightest concerns get pushed under the rug or are undermined? It happens to many of us.

What I’ve come to experience full circle and witness in my own life is the result and implications of this type of relationship. We more than likely don’t see this kind of person coming into our life. How can we know or prepare for the negative impact of this type of relational imbalance? The answer is: we often can’t. It’s through life experience that we see the signs and know what to look for.

Have you ever been praised greatly by someone? Someone telling you all these amazing qualities that they see in you? They write you poems and songs, go through extreme romantic gestures to please you. They shower you with their creativity and woo you with their charm. Unfortunately, these are the types of people that can have an adverse effect on your wellbeing long term. Their generous praise is usually short lived. They use their praise to “hook” you into their web of self-doubt, lack of empathy and insecurity within themselves. You will find yourself trying to help them because of your empathetic nature. After all you are a natural giver and you thrive on having meaningful relationships in your life. Unfortunately, it’s common for this type of relationship to become a vicious cycle of getting you nowhere, because a non-empathetic person cannot learn to be empathetic. They don’t see the benefit or growth from empathy. Their relationship goals are based on what they can gain. I’ve been told by non-empathetic people, that you are either born with the ability to be empathetic, or you’re not. You are welcome to argue this viewpoint and I would love for you to share if you have a personal experience with someone who lacked the ability to be empathetic but learned it through being able to change.

The result and implications of this this type of unbalanced relationship can be devastating. It can leave you depleted, exhausted, confused, isolated and unsupported. It can keep you from pursuing your dreams. It can make you feel trapped in the other persons problems. This is the viscous cycle. The only way to break free from it, sadly, is to leave it. That is unless you are willing to compromise your greatest dreams and achievements to try and keep a toxic relationship together.

Unfortunately, it usually takes more than one relationship, be it a family member, friend or romantic partner to learn the signs of what to look for in a non-empathetic person. There’s usually a honey moon phase that creates this bubble of a magical quality between you. A bond you seem to share from some creative, soulful force. What I’ve come to find, is that any true lasting relationships in your life, takes work. They don’t arrive suddenly in your life, as if to sweep you off your feet. They take nurturing, time and commitment.

After seeing the many signs of dysfunction in my relationships that were based on all take and no give, I realized how isolated and drained from my purpose I had become. I mean, here I am this person with boundless energy to give, with a love and compassion for people that is inexhaustible. My purpose had seemingly escaped me, and I didn’t know why. It can be very confusing because the other person can mask their taking nature by giving in ways that make you feel supported physically, but their efforts are never sustaining emotionally. It’s very hard to navigate what manipulation or control looks like in a relationship. It takes painful experiences to be able to discern what they are. Empathetic people don’t usually approach relationships with ideas of gaining something, so it can be challenging to navigate others that do. It’s almost like you must put this filter on of what everyone’s motives are around you. Yes, it’s not fun but it’s necessary because empaths are targets. Don’t forget that. Some people who don’t have it, want to take it from you and they will try to take it with force.

After seeing through the dysfunction, I realized that the most important thing in my life that was missing was ME. One of the hardest parts of not fulfilling your dreams, is the absence of you creating them. Have you ever looked forward to seeing someone at an event or gathering and they weren’t there? You felt their presence gone and you just missed them? I realized that this person was me. The person who I’ve always counted on to show up and be the strength for everyone. The person who is committed and loves and honors her fellow human. The person who thrives off connecting and being a light for others. That person who was missing, was me.

Putting my biggest dreams on hold, meant trying to create new ones. I still found a way to give back. To do meaningful work. But, I knew that I wasn’t being true to who I really am. Who God has called me to be. I realized that the most important thing I could do was to fight to continue to pursue my long-term goals and dreams. To do what I was put here on earth to do. That would be the ultimate revenge for any manipulation and suffering that I have endured.

Now that I’m back, doing what I love most, I want to tell you that I’m still in it for The Long Haul. But not for the heavy kind of haul, for the light kind of haul. The haul of a meaningful responsibility. The Long Haul for my purpose. I will not carry anyone else’s burdens of dysfunction but will continue to pursue my gifts, my passion and my beliefs. Nothing is greater for me than to show up for my fellow human. I live for being here for you. And, I will continue to fight for that right to be here to serve you in the many ways that I know how. With all my empathetic, loving, giving heart. Yes, I’ve painfully learned but I’ve also grown tremendously through the experiences of these relationships. And, I hope that I can be a light and support for others who are living through the confusion of the relationships that we must navigate here on this crazy planet earth.

I’m here to tell you regardless of the painful lessons, I’m no longer missing. I’m in this for The Long Haul.



4 Responses to The Long Haul.

  1. Thank you Rachel. I am glad you are able to take care of yourself and see the burdens you were bearing. When I first met you,it was sad to see (or sense) the burdens you bore. I hope your life and your calling lead you to nothing but joy, happiness and plenty of all sustenance you need for you and yours

    • Thank you, Scott. We did get to connect pretty deep a couple times and I’m grateful for your support. That’s pretty eye-opening that you sensed what I was going through at a time that I wasn’t fully aware of it myself. Things are going really well and I think that it’s all part of the journey of discovering who we are. I’m grateful for all the experiences. I hope I get to connect with you in person again. My best to you always.

  2. Wow,thank you for sharing that!If i were that articulate i could have written that.
    It was an honor meeting you today!
    Apparently being Aromatherpists is not the only thing we have in common.

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I have been blessed with Rachel’s friendship for years now. I’ll never forget our first meeting at the McMinnville market. Rachel has the most amazing gift, she is able to transmute her love for life into her work and business. I have been using the “Free Spirit” oil along with my lapis and red jasper diffuser bracelets. This has been such a life saver for balancing my hormone levels. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of Rachel’s products, they are all truly magical. Thank you, Rachel ❤️

– Lisa C. in Oregon City, Oregon

I was visiting Portland for a conference and stumbled upon these amazing essential oils and bracelets at the City Market. I fell in love with the ‘fauna’ oil and bought two bracelets and a necklace to use the oil on. High quality products all around and made with love and passion. I will definitely continue to buy and highly recommend!

– price.599 in Columbus, OH

I absolutely love this product! I put the oils on certain points and feel a difference immediately. I will be buying more again soon. Thank you!

– Alexa D. in Winsor, California

I can not say enough positive things about this product, after a recent injury I was so glad to have them handy. They have helped put my children to sleep for over a decade, and eased many pains under our roof.

– Anneka M. in Aurora, Oregon

I would like to say that Inner Strength massage oil has been a heaven sent for me. I have arthritis, it runs in my family and my brother was the very first one to discover it. I just think that this oil is the best. I’ve tried so many different kinds of oils for pain and this is the best there is. I have also passed it on by giving it as Christmas gifts for people I know that could use it and they love it. I sincerely appreciate all the hard work that goes into making the oil and I will never stop using it.


– Leticia E. in Vancouver, Washington

Soul Escentials products ascend to a realm of relaxation and healing that I had never experienced before. I could feel the difference right away. The therapeutic properties of these essential oil blends have helped me feel so much better. My parents have painful arthritis and I bought them some Soul Escentials salts for the bath. I knew they had tried it when they asked me where I got them. It helped relieve their pain. They are hard to buy gifts for and now I know what to get them.


– Betsy K. in Jamestown, Pennsylvania

The first product that Rachel ever recommended, “Replenish,” just so happens to be the one we use most frequently and has had a profound effect on the wellbeing of our youngest child. Nathan has Down syndrome and one of the traits that comes along with his condition is narrow sinus and nasal passages. One top of that he also had Tracheomalacia and Bronchomalacia (collapsing of the trachea and bronchi) when he was a baby. As you can imagine it was crucial that we did everything we could possibly do to keep it easy for him to breathe, especially when he became congested. Using Replenish (we use the massage oil on his chest, and back and also use the essential oil in the humidifier) helped keep his mucus thinner and helps open up his airways breathe easier and sleep more soundly. Thankfully he has grown out of his malacia but we still use Replenish on a regular basis to help him and the rest of our family breathe easier when we come down with colds.

– Alanna L. in Lafayette, Oregon

I have been using Soul Escentials oils for about 3 years now. My biggest use of them has been for serious back and muscle issues, and with heat treatment and ice. These oils often stopped my pain so that did not need to take my pain medication. I have used them for my stuffed up nose with allergies, stomach issues, near panic attacks and often just to have my own luxurious spa treatment! I would not ever want to be without these oils!


– Susie S. in McMinnville, Oregon

My husband and I, both seniors, have been using Inner Strength massage oil for the many years Soul Escentials was available. From his achy back to both of us using it on our knees. It is amazing how it takes on the pain and soothes. I am confident in the natural ingredients used making this product. Rachel is always there to answer any questions on her products or for your overall wellbeing. I certainly would recommend Inner Strength to anyone who is looking for something to help feel better again.


– Bonnie F. in West Bend, Wisconsin

When I inhale Surrender, I breathe deeper, slower, intentionally. It is both healing and uplifting, a perfect combination of essences. And for that moment, when I surrender to the tranquility this magical aroma captures, I feel contented and pleased.


– Karen W. in McMinnville, Oregon

So much has changed in my life since starting to use Soul Escentials products. Let’s start by saying I am a true lover of fine quality body products, always looking for the best. Well, I have found it now and I can’t live without it! Soul Escentials is not only making the best quality products out there but they are taking pure essential oils for health and healing to the next level. My favorites are Amorous, Free Spirit, Inner Strength, and Vibrance! I feel like these blends have truly changed by life! My love is stronger, my spirit freer, my strength more adept and my vibrancy shining bright! Thank you Soul Escentials for helping me attain the most important things one can possess. So pure, so true, so you.


– Angela P. in Anaheim, California

Soul Escentials Replenish blend is incredible. We keep it on hand – great if the kids feel stuffy or under the weather. Helps to gently keep airways and chests clear during the day or night.


– Beth C. in Sherwood, Oregon

I have enjoyed using Soul Escentials oils and bath salts for a few years now.  My favorites are the essential oil blends.  The Inner Strength blend has been helpful to me in easing minor joint pain.  I enjoy the Surrender blend at night, and for a soothing bath.  The Lemon Ginger has been useful for easing occasional constipation, or digestive upset. The bath salts are lovely for a soothing and relaxing bath, and they leave my skin feeling soft.  I have given the oils as gifts as well.  I recommend essential oils for many uses. Satisfied oil customer!


– Debbie O. in Dundee, Oregon